The Vampire Family Vixen Victoria Welshire made an appearance this week at Linda Sole's blog!
Check out her commentary on the state of vampires today- bewarned Victoria is not a Twilight fan! The favored vampire daughter also shares a sample of the upcoming sequel Fate and Fangs! 2011 and our 7 book sequel series seems so far away!
Don't forget you can also get involved with The Vampire Family at our Facebook page. Horrorfest and Halloween Movie Marathon discussions are in full swing! We're over 750 members strong!
Stay under the Moonlight with the Gothic Series by Kristin Battestella!
Kindle the Welshire Fire!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
FATE and FANGS '11

All Donations Welcome: A B AB O + -
Join the campaign with Welshire Occult expert PROFESSOR A. JAMES by reading his Tales from the Vampire Family and vote for your favorite toothy vampire candidate! Some bloodsuckers just get all the luck… but which one deserves your red hot, precious attention? Meet your candidates Tonight, After Dark, At Midnight under the Moonlight!
Shall you pleasure ANN, the scorned mistress aided by her lover ERIC or the beautiful, but evil and deadly Welshire enemy LILITH? But what of ELIZABETH, the unloved wife supported by RAIN, a fearless Kiowa warrior or her debutant daughter VICTORIA, the favorite of her father ANTONIO?
Ladies, moody and melodramatic rival brothers JAMES and GASTON are vying for your attention! Can sister SAMANTHA keep them away from each other’s throats? Of course, we can’t forget the dark horse STEPHANIE- the alluring doctor seems to straddle the line between Welshire and Lilithan covens-er parties. And what of the mysterious lobbyist MESTIPHLES who seemingly supports political veins on both sides?
Where can you dish on the fierce and bloody politics? Stop by Muse It Up Publishing and sink your teeth into the seven testaments as told by Professor A. James: Love, Punishment, Struggle, Debauchery, Lust, Humanity, Resurrection. Select your candidate and take him or her to the grave with you- or at the very least stay up all night with these hard at work night owls as they pine away at their virtual vampy headquarters,
In this haunting and deadly world, two things will always bind a vampire:
Canadian epublisher Muse it Up Publishing will offer FATE and FANGS, Tales from the Vampire Family as told by Professor A. James beginning in August 2011. The 7 book series is projected to run through February 2012, and there's plenty to sink your teeth into!

1. Love: Ann and the Viking - In this medieval tale, scorned vampire mistress Ann leaves vampire family patriarch Antonio behind, travels across Britain, and encounters a wayward Viking named Eric. Will Ann accept her true vampiric nature and turn her Nordic lover into a vampire?
2. Punishment: Lilith's Trials - In this bizarre and seemingly anonymous tale, beautiful vampire nemesis Lilith suffers plenty at the delight of her mysterious and demonic tormentor.
3. Struggle: Elizabeth in America - Seeking solace and solitude from her unhappy home life as the unloved wife of Antonio, Elizabeth travels to colonial America. On the outskirts of civilization, she meets Rain, a young Kiowa warrior on a vision quest. Will his lack of fear and gripping hothouse experience help Elizabeth’s face the vampire truths she sought to escape?
4. Debauchery: Victoria's Burning - Victoria uses the fallout from the American Civil War to her advantage-or so the beautiful but deadly blockade-runner hopes. After all her using, abusing, and feedings, Victoria’s slaves finally take matters into their own hands, forcing Antonio’s daughter to face her own mortality.
5. Lust: James at the Sundowner - The Sundowner offers steamy Welshire vampires Jessica, Pamela, and Slava for underground vampire sex and biting fetishes, but Victoria’s twin brother James is content with his gig as piano player at the club owned by their brother Stephen. James’ own love Catrina is the alluring singer at there, but can he keep his longtime vampire companion away from the tempting, exciting young clientele?
6. Humanity: A Letter from Gaston - Gaston is trying to move on with his life now that the Vampire Family has been is human again. Unfortunately, his sister Victoria cannot cope with the change and succumbs to drugs, depression, and sex binges with her former fledgling Caine. When Gaston looses his job over Victoria’s suicide attempt, their pregnant sister Samantha comes to London to help-making a journey that could be disastrous to her unborn children.
7. Resurrection: Stephanie after the Lilithan - Former Lilithan vampire and newly divorced scientist Stephanie can’t get over how much she misses being a vampire. After a harrowing car accident, she meets Mestiphles, the giver and taker of vampire power on both sides of the coven wars. His charm and seductive powers sweeten the demonic offer he extends, but will Stephanie accept?
Stay up to date on the latest contests, press, appearances, events, and more at your preferred Social Site!
The Vampire Family
The Vampfam Blogger
A Vampire livejournal
Vampfam on Facebook

Remember also to bookmark, friend, join, follow, fan, or (RSS) feed us!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Suffer my Wrath, Hackers!
Well fiendish folks! After all the great news about receiving a publication date at Muse It Up Publishing for our 7 book sequel series FATE and FANGS, we here at The Vampire Family also had a bit of sad news. Our flagship website For Flying Servants Only....... has been hacked! How dare you people!
I must be a bad webmistress to the Family! One day after updating the website for all the FATE and FANGS 2011 campaign glory, we were shot down. Some of the pages look garbled, incomplete, and cut off; but others shut down Firefox and warn of a malware and download ruthless. Unfortunately I must advise avoiding our page until we resolve the problem. Our other blog services, myspace, livejournal, yahoo group, and Facebook pages, fangfully, are running smoothly.
I suspect there are malicious people out there who just want to diss me, my work, or vamps-whether they be unlike the glitter of Twilight or not. However, I seriously object to putting a bug on my site that could harm virtual visitors and their systems. That is just wrong. Treat people how you wish to be treated! Would you want one of our vampires to come along and rip your throat out? I think not! This is what's wrong with the internet. You put something out to be read and discussed with the intelligent reading public worldwide. You don't expect your attempt at value and entertainment to be vandalized. Yes, this is virtual vandalism on my intellectual property! How dare you! I know I said it above but it bears repeating! How dare you!
Sigh, as I said, do join us elsewhere online and check back at to stay up to date on all the FATE and FANGS magic! I can't say I blame folks for disliking all the mainstream glitter and teen dream that modern vampiric interpretations have brought. However, we shall continue to present literature of maturity, quality, and most importantly: Scary vampires with bite!
Thank you for your readership!
I must be a bad webmistress to the Family! One day after updating the website for all the FATE and FANGS 2011 campaign glory, we were shot down. Some of the pages look garbled, incomplete, and cut off; but others shut down Firefox and warn of a malware and download ruthless. Unfortunately I must advise avoiding our page until we resolve the problem. Our other blog services, myspace, livejournal, yahoo group, and Facebook pages, fangfully, are running smoothly.
I suspect there are malicious people out there who just want to diss me, my work, or vamps-whether they be unlike the glitter of Twilight or not. However, I seriously object to putting a bug on my site that could harm virtual visitors and their systems. That is just wrong. Treat people how you wish to be treated! Would you want one of our vampires to come along and rip your throat out? I think not! This is what's wrong with the internet. You put something out to be read and discussed with the intelligent reading public worldwide. You don't expect your attempt at value and entertainment to be vandalized. Yes, this is virtual vandalism on my intellectual property! How dare you! I know I said it above but it bears repeating! How dare you!
Sigh, as I said, do join us elsewhere online and check back at to stay up to date on all the FATE and FANGS magic! I can't say I blame folks for disliking all the mainstream glitter and teen dream that modern vampiric interpretations have brought. However, we shall continue to present literature of maturity, quality, and most importantly: Scary vampires with bite!
Thank you for your readership!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
FATE and FANGS: Home at Muse It Up Publishing!
Well I suppose its never to early to talk about vampires, next Halloween or not!
As our fledgling followers here and on Facebook know, the sequel collection to The Vampire Family
finally has a publication date from our new home, Muse It Up Publishing! Can your bloodlust wait until August 2011?
FATE and FANGS: Tales from The Vampire Family as told by Professor A. James is a series of 7 stories each spotlighting a particular vampire truths: love, punishment, struggle, debauchery, lust, humanity, and resurrection. The Vampire Family has a long and torrid past, present, and future, indeed! Revel in the vampire lust and long lasting torment. In this haunting world, two things bind a vampire: FATE and FANGS!
Subscribe to our 'feeds' here or f(r)iend and follow us here, there, and everywhere on Facebook! Our fan page has grown to 699 members! Lots of information will be coming soon regarding all the magics of publication, include our cover designs, which I am very excited to see match The Vampire Family! Stay tuned!
As our fledgling followers here and on Facebook know, the sequel collection to The Vampire Family
FATE and FANGS: Tales from The Vampire Family as told by Professor A. James is a series of 7 stories each spotlighting a particular vampire truths: love, punishment, struggle, debauchery, lust, humanity, and resurrection. The Vampire Family has a long and torrid past, present, and future, indeed! Revel in the vampire lust and long lasting torment. In this haunting world, two things bind a vampire: FATE and FANGS!
Subscribe to our 'feeds' here or f(r)iend and follow us here, there, and everywhere on Facebook! Our fan page has grown to 699 members! Lots of information will be coming soon regarding all the magics of publication, include our cover designs, which I am very excited to see match The Vampire Family! Stay tuned!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
HorrorFest with The Vampire Family on Facebook!
Hello my fangful friends!

Yes, we've been hibernating during the warm, sunshiney summer! Now, however, it is September, and that means it's time for our love of all things horror and Halloween can begin! Yes it is probably a little too early for the common folk, but it's never too early to have a scare or two!
With that spooky spirit in mind, The Vampire Family is hosting a series of horror reviews at our Facebook Fan Page! Join us daily for a review by yours truly Kristin Battestella. Sometimes we talk about something in all good family fun, other times it's a paranormal show, TV critique, or a down right scarefest horror classic! Are you having a Horror and Halloween Movie Marathon of your own? Then join our discussion page and tell us what your watching and if it scared the bed bugs right on outta there!
The Vampire Family

Promote Your Page Too
So let me guess, you can't wait for all these horror reviews and reccomendations- you need a hot tip about what dead and dreadful flicks to avoid asap! Head on our to our review blog archive at I Think, Therefore I Review and get all our spooky scoops!
In between all this reviewing and scary watching, I'm back to conferring with The Vampire Family scholar Professor James and his Fate and Fangs sequel. Look for our next release in 2011! I know it's a long wait, so browse our excerpts label for a taste or revisit with The Vampire Family today! Don't forget, you can use this promo code: 612JMZN67VZX at the Eternal Press website and get 25% off!
With that spooky spirit in mind, The Vampire Family is hosting a series of horror reviews at our Facebook Fan Page! Join us daily for a review by yours truly Kristin Battestella. Sometimes we talk about something in all good family fun, other times it's a paranormal show, TV critique, or a down right scarefest horror classic! Are you having a Horror and Halloween Movie Marathon of your own? Then join our discussion page and tell us what your watching and if it scared the bed bugs right on outta there!

Promote Your Page Too
So let me guess, you can't wait for all these horror reviews and reccomendations- you need a hot tip about what dead and dreadful flicks to avoid asap! Head on our to our review blog archive at I Think, Therefore I Review and get all our spooky scoops!
In between all this reviewing and scary watching, I'm back to conferring with The Vampire Family scholar Professor James and his Fate and Fangs sequel. Look for our next release in 2011! I know it's a long wait, so browse our excerpts label for a taste or revisit with The Vampire Family today! Don't forget, you can use this promo code: 612JMZN67VZX at the Eternal Press website and get 25% off!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Kristin's Joined the Blood Theatre!
Hello my Vampy F(r)iends!
I know I've been quiet recently in my little virtual worlds, but that's because I've been spending my time growing paler by staying indoors and writing, writing, writing! In addition to editing FATE and FANGS- the first sequel to The Vampire Family, I'm working on the second sequel Requiem. Now then, let's throw some more non fiction haunts into the mix with my new staff position at Blood Theatre!
My debut article at the back from the dead BT is my recent review of the 1932 classic Freaks. Look for more creepy criticism to come, and spread the word by joining us on Facebook:
Remember you can also find my analysis of film, television, music, and books both spooky and non at my review archive, I Think, Therefore I Review. If these decrepit shorts aren't enough to quench your thirst, you can always revisit The Vampire Family in ebook or paperback. If its sexy spice in space you're looking for, remember to try pal Leigh Wood's saucy and steamy On the Way To New Isosceles on kindle!
Remember, who needs the sun and surf when you can stay in the dark and read? In your online pursuits, be sure and check out our newly redesigned website at

I know I've been quiet recently in my little virtual worlds, but that's because I've been spending my time growing paler by staying indoors and writing, writing, writing! In addition to editing FATE and FANGS- the first sequel to The Vampire Family, I'm working on the second sequel Requiem. Now then, let's throw some more non fiction haunts into the mix with my new staff position at Blood Theatre!
My debut article at the back from the dead BT is my recent review of the 1932 classic Freaks. Look for more creepy criticism to come, and spread the word by joining us on Facebook:
Remember you can also find my analysis of film, television, music, and books both spooky and non at my review archive, I Think, Therefore I Review. If these decrepit shorts aren't enough to quench your thirst, you can always revisit The Vampire Family in ebook or paperback. If its sexy spice in space you're looking for, remember to try pal Leigh Wood's saucy and steamy On the Way To New Isosceles on kindle!
Remember, who needs the sun and surf when you can stay in the dark and read? In your online pursuits, be sure and check out our newly redesigned website at
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Widget World!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A Night for FATE, a Night for FANGS!

Special Greetings to our friends clinging to the chill and darkness of winter days! The surprising sunshine we've had here has passed on in favor of a dark and brooding weekend rainstorm! What better time to stay in and spend the night with The Vampire Family!
Now, I know what you're thinking: Kristin, we've done read The Vampire Family already! Yes, we've been available in ebook and paperback with Eternal Press for over a year-a long time in this instant day and age! Also, I have to say it's been a losing battle with illegal infringements and ebook pirating as well. If you haven't read The Vampire Family, do buy from our authorized sellers, not in some nefarious bulk or package download.
Now then, let's turn to happy thoughts, thoughts that deal with fate or fangs. I've gotten a little more catchy with my titles. How do you like FATE and FANGS: A Collection of Tales from the Vampire Family Edited by Professor A. James? Long winded perhaps, but worth it.
I mentioned this first sequel collection previously, and now it's only fair to share a little bit more. Join the Welshires and their resident occult expert Professor James as he hosts this special series of vampire tales from early medieval viking vampires to contemporary debauchery and vampirism......
A Collection of Tales from the Vampire Family
Edited By Professor A. James
Kristin Battestella
Forward by Professor A. James
In 1975 I acquired a collection of antique, but damaged manuscripts after a mysterious fire beguiled the dim British authorities for four years. Somewhere along the frontier between England and Wales , in a crumbled vault beneath a burned mansion; dozens of leather bound journals, diaries, and books were rescued. Their contents were fantastical: histories, ages of vampiric accounts, coven wars, and abstract chronicles. The police, of course, uneducated in such matters of the occult or the unexplained, found the material rubbish against their modern case in need of evidence and forensics.
Fortunately, in my subsequent studies and adventures, I have found that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. You must forgive me the cliché, but my analysis and preservation of these personal antiquities has brought me to new heights of bizarrity, both on the page and in the flesh. I thought I was a wise, aware professor knowing beyond the day-to-day world before I came to read of this twisted Vampire Family. My pride was in err.
After several lengthy years of study and a very slow restoration process on the oldest documents, I succumbed to an offer of assistance from a student named Theodore Plunkett. A scholar of ancient languages, Theodore’s detailed list of degrees and credentials were too numerous for his youthful appearance. His intelligence was vast; yet he was a personal master at comprehending and restoring the fantastic tales of Antonio Welshire and his mad family’s descent into the dark world of vampirism. From patriarch Antonio’s brutal human days to the coven’s near destruction by the rival Lilithan vampires and the ambiguous Mestiphles’ meddling appearances and disappearances; this Vampire Family’s history is very well documented through some centuries and bare and bleak in others. Some journals are utterly disturbing in their tales of blood and mayhem while other diaries are strangely heartfelt, bittersweet, and uncomfortably endearing.
The fire that brought these texts into my possession was education blessing enough-the lifetime epitome of Tut and Troy to most scholars. Some library men would be content to sit behind their musky parchments and read the decades away. I, however, have had the unique privilege of authenticating these documents as truth. Of course, that wasn’t until many years later; when Theodore arrived at my office door looking as young as the day we first met. On the plane to Philadelphia , I never suspected I would arrive at the doorstep of sisters Samantha and Victoria Welshire. I had read over five hundred years of their tall tales; yet here the startling beauties were, living and breathing before me fangs and all. Only then did I begin to realize the full extent of this familial coven.
The academic community may disagree with my claims; but this dark, sensational and unbelievable underground lifestyle has afforded me considerable gains. Today I live a quiet life among the Welshires, and their vast knowledge of history and the world has blessed me intellectually as well as financially. In this simple, ignorant time obsessed with youthfulness and beauty, I’ve seen immortal creatures age, know love, feel pain-even die and regain their humanity. I myself have been able to change; embracing surgeries and procedures I would not have considered before coming to know the Welshires. With no evil or nefarious means, this vampire knowledge and power has made me a new man inside out. It’s something I could never have fathomed before these burned books first came my way.
Through the course of this manuscript, you will find my notes introducing the strange tales included in this volume. There are several more stories left to be discovered; however, those are largely damaged chronicles, with significant portions unaccounted for or degraded beyond interpretation. Those presented here are in the best condition possible and have been least corrupted through time and calamity.
You should be familiar with most of the players, as the Welshire coven’s deeds have been thoroughly documented elsewhere. These accounts from Ann , Victoria , and Stephanie, among others, are much more personal, individual, and largely first person accounts. Some are sad, a few are very enchanting and lovely, and there are some that I personally find repulsive and frightening. Living with and documenting the Vampire Family has not blinded me from their awesome powers and need for the very fringes of human society. Read of the Vampire Family, delight in their written escapades even, but nevertheless learn from the error of their ways. Not all of them are so charming and accepting of the human condition. Remember what you’ve read and will read: most of them will do anything to protect their nocturnal inclinations.
From the past to the present, from near to far and wide, you may think these tales are all fiction, born of the imagination. Unfortunately, they are indeed truth and based in a frightening reality as firm as you or I.
Join us tonight as we simulcast more excerpts, secrets, and treats! Remember, no blood is necessary in the participation of any Vampire Family events. Yet.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Women in Horror Special: The Vampire Family!
Hello my beloved winter blues compatriots! I can't wait to get out into this fourth round of snow and muck it all up!
If you're snowed in too, NOW is the time to pick up your very own e book edition of The Vampire Family for your kindle, noobie, or whatever magical ereader you prefer.

As part of Eternal Press and Damantion Books month long celebration of Women in Horror, The Vampire Family is 25% off at the EP website!
Act now, this special ends February 28!
Let the snow outside pile up! It's the perfect time to snuggle up and read of Antonio's chilly early years where he uses these very same frosty and wintry elements to dispose of his own mother! Our fans might also want to re-read their copy of The Vampire Family in expectation of this year's sequel FATE and FANGS: A Collection of Tales from The Vampire Family Edited by Professor A. James.
Sounds ambitious, doesn't it? There's no blood necessariy for participation in any vampfam events, yet! So unbutton your collar and read on with the Welshire Coven today!
Sibling Rivalry Bites
The Vampire Family
by Kristin Battestella
In Ebook or Paperback From Eternal Press
If you're snowed in too, NOW is the time to pick up your very own e book edition of The Vampire Family for your kindle, noobie, or whatever magical ereader you prefer.

As part of Eternal Press and Damantion Books month long celebration of Women in Horror, The Vampire Family is 25% off at the EP website!
Act now, this special ends February 28!
Let the snow outside pile up! It's the perfect time to snuggle up and read of Antonio's chilly early years where he uses these very same frosty and wintry elements to dispose of his own mother! Our fans might also want to re-read their copy of The Vampire Family in expectation of this year's sequel FATE and FANGS: A Collection of Tales from The Vampire Family Edited by Professor A. James.
Sounds ambitious, doesn't it? There's no blood necessariy for participation in any vampfam events, yet! So unbutton your collar and read on with the Welshire Coven today!
Sibling Rivalry Bites
The Vampire Family
by Kristin Battestella
In Ebook or Paperback From Eternal Press
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Meet the Tales of The Vampire Family!

Afternoon Greetings to the folks dreading the bright and sunshiny January days!
It's been quiet here at the Vampfam blogger for one important reason: I've been wrapping up edits on the next merry-go-round in The Vampire Family world. What do you think of Tales from The Vampire Family? I suck at titles!
The Vampire Family has a long and torrid past, present, and future. In this series of vampire vignettes, the family's Occult scholar Professor A. James shares Ann's earliest vampire loves, Elizabeth's colonial travels, Victoria's errors in judgment, and even a good does of punishment for Lilith. Revel in the lust, torment, and resurrection with Tales from The Vampire Family!
Ready for more details? Perhaps a sample story or two? Join me Tomorrow Thursday January 14 for a Q&A Day at The Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group.
Updates will also happen at our Vampire Family Facebook Page. We're in this instantaneous social trend, but I like the Yahoo Group as a static list and calendar store. Like Leigh Wood's regularly scheduled visits on our loop, I'd like to have this regular Q&A should anyone wish to de-lurk. Don't forget you can also follow or RSS The Vampfam blogger or the Scares and Spices livejournal to stay up to date. I'm also updated my author website, so it might look messy before it looks vampire swank!
After Leigh Wood's Guest Day Tuesday, January 19, things will be a little quiet again for me until our next live chat with Eternal Press. Join us 8 p.m. Monday February 1 at Night Owl Romance. By then I should have Tales from The Vampire Family submitted to the publisher. I'm just being too picky with my manuscript. I can't help it!
Maybe I'll take a break from it and crack open the Dark Shadows DVDS I got for Christmas! We can always talk about that over the Q&A! Until then, you might want to catch up on The Vampire Family proper. You can pick up our ebook for your favorite reader or hold our sweet paperback in your cold hands via Amazon!
See you soon!
Sibling Rivalry Bites
The Vampire Family
by Kristin Battestella
In Ebook or Paperback From Eternal Press
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