Stay under the Moonlight with the Gothic Series by Kristin Battestella!
Kindle the Welshire Fire!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
A Vampire Plea from Victoria Welshire!
Here's the message sent earlier this week by one of the characters from my EP
Release The Vampire Family. She has a habit of stopping by Ginger Simpson's
blog to complain. You can see the original mayhem as part of Ginger's Halloween
fun, too.
High School Vampires Bite
A Plea from Victoria Welshire, beloved daughter of The Vampire Family
I've had to visit Ms. Simpson earlier this year with my complaints, but
apparently no one was listening. This emo, girlie girl, kiddie vampire phase has
to stop. I've lived NINE hundred years and this whiny, teeny bopper vampire
moment can't end fast enough for me. When I was what we now call a teenager,
there wasn't high school cliques and bad boy romantic decisions. All this black
eye makeup and spunky hair really gives the rest of us vampires a bad name.
Should you meet me in a dark alleyway in Philadelphia or London this Halloween,
remember the true meaning of masks and Samhain. I'm not you're friend, and I'm
not your lover. You wish! But no, I'm a vampire to be feared and run away from,
for I will eat you the first chance I get. Yes maybe I'll bat my eyes at the
foolish gents or admire a lady's leather jacket. But when he's spent and she has
no use for the jacket, only I'll remain. I can't speak for this other *dreamy*
vamps, but our house is not one to be trifled with.
My webmaster Kristin would have me remind you our complex, torrid tale can all
be found in The Vampire Family. And I have to say, it's a real pain the in ass
googling myself and having to weed through all these other references to some
'Cullen' family. The Welshires were here long before and from further away.
Occultist Professor A. James is in the process of compiling our earlier records
in order to make his fortunes. Until then, you'll just have to keep up with us
through Kristin's efforts. Someone has to chronicle our latest adventure-to
combat this hormonal vampire drivel if nothing else.
Victoria crept into her room and shut the door. She stood a moment in the dark.
Her dress was not plain, and she didn't eat crumbs. They lived better than
anyone anywhere although she knew no one beyond her castle.
Is Gaston right?
She lit the candle beside the entrance and saw Stephen on her bed.
"Did you have fun?" He inched toward her and pulled some moss from her hair.
"Our dear mothers have told us not to venture off. Yet every night you get on
your dark horse and ride off into the sunset. You are hiding something, and I
want to know what it is."
"Mind your own business." Victoria crossed her arms. Where James over sought
books and art, Stephen divulged in people too much. "We are too alike for you to
blackmail me."
The door opened, and Samantha peaked in.
"Mother is coming." She shut the door.
Goody Goody Girl.
"Tell me."
The door opened again and Ann entered.
"Stephen," she said sternly. "Get to your room and go to sleep."
The boy reluctantly followed his mother's orders.
"You best be getting to bed, too, Victoria."
Ann was strong willed, unlike Elizabeth, but Victoria enjoyed chiding her
father's mistress.
"I already have a mother. I don't listen to you."
Ann blew out the door side candle and left Victoria in the dark.
Now, visit and don't bother me again. I have
vampires to do and people to bite.
Fiesty, isn't she?
The Vampire Family
by Kristin Battestella
Now in ebook or Paperback
Friday, October 30, 2009
New Horror Reviews at I Think, Therefore I Review!
Read up on some horrific commentaries from Kristin Battestella and Leigh Wood at the spookiest review blog around, I Think, Therefore I Review!
Here's q quick list if this month's analysis of mystery, murder, goth, and mayhem! Sure Halloween is almost passed, but we'll probably be talking scary through Thanksgiving!
Vincent Price Treats
Underworld and Underworld: Evolution
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Horror Documentaries
Horror Comedies
The Masque of the Red Death
The Premature Burial
Scream and Scream Again
The Oblong Box
The Phantom of the Opera
House of Wax
The Pit and the Pendulum
Must See Horror
Stephen King Features
Dead Calm
The Company of Wolves
Count Yorga, Vampire!
Dark Shadows: The Revival
Whew! Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Two Vampy Chances This Week!
This spooky week you have not one, but two chances to to sit back, enjoy a few fall treats, and relax with The Vampire Family! What better time to pick up our ebook or paperback edition then this final week of October?

You can get to know us a little better Today Monday October 26 as The Vampire Family character and proud Welshire vampire Victoria stops by Ginger Simpson's Halloween Daze. Victoria's visited Ginger's blog in the past. In fact, it's the only place she'll promote. Read up on her angst at
Next, you can stop by the 2009 Vampire Bash at the Vamp Chix blog for your chance to win a FREE AUTOGRAPHED PAPERBACK copy of The Vampire Family! Check it out and leave a comment Tuesday October 27!

Other then an all out genuine scare, what more could you ask for? Well, how about The Vampire Family on Facebook? Now you can join our very own fanpage for the latest news and treats!
If it's Halloween nonfiction you're cravin', stop by my review archive blog I Think, Therefore I Review. We've been laoding up on the horror film quota this October and there's still more to come!
Now what more could you ask for? No more candy! I'ts bad for your fangs-er teeth!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Widgets and More Vampy Badges!
The Vampire Family

Promote Your Page Too
Sunday, October 18, 2009
More Halloween Hijinks!
Well, 'tis the season for mayhem, after all! If you haven't stop by our group calendar recently, check again! Two more dates have been added, sweet as candy corn, I know!
Oct 26 Halloween Guest Blog with Ginger Simpson
Oct 27 The Vampire Family giveway at the 2009 Vampire Bash!

At The Vampire Family, our doors are open all night long! Stop by when the day is quiet or in the wee hours before dawn for the latest appearances, news, and reviews. Stay late for excerpts and interviews with The Vampire Family author Kristin Battestella or information on where to purchase your copy- in ebook or paperback. Join us with our complete list of links, friend and follow options, or subscription feeds. Bookmark The Vampire Family on Blogger for the total vampire experience!
Unfortunately, the weekend of October 24 is pretty packed, and I won't be about to attend the group signing at Wolfgang Books in Phoenixville, PA! Don't pout, however. I'll be volunteering this Friday at the Mount Laurel Library Friends Book Sale Event. Local fans and authors, do stop by and say hello and supprot the library!
And don't forget our Eternal Press chat 8 p.m. this Monday October 19 at Night Owl Romance!
See you soon!
PS- More pics to follow!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A Vampire Thanks!
Rainy, dreary days and falling leaves make for a great book signing, eh? Me and The Vampire Family just wanted to take a moment and say 'Fangs for everything!' to those who took the time to stop by and say hello last night at our book signing at Bogart's Bookstore.
It was a wonderful night of literature and music with some great tunes by Dark Hallow. I know a few folks were under the weather and couldn't make it, but never fear! A handful of copies are still available at Bogart's for the local folks!
Of course, the virtual fledglings have plenty of opportunities to say hello this week! You can chat with Cate Masters, myself, and the rest of the Eternal Press gang 9 p.m. Monday October 19 at Night Owl Romance! And don't forget our fellow NJ and EPer Leigh Wood and her forthcoming sf erotica novel On The Way to New Isosceles. She's stopping by the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group again October 20. Check our group calender often, as new Halloween dates are being added-including a Guest blog spot with Ginger Simpson and a potential book signing in PA!
I need to upload all the pictures from Bogart's and The Collingswood Book Festival already!
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Vampire Family Live This Weekend!
Remember this weekend you can stop by Bogart's Bookstore in Millville, NJ and say a real life hello to myself and an autographed paperback copy of my Eternal Press horror novel The Vampire Family!

This Halloween season you can find us in plenty of virtual locations as well. Here's a quick list, but remember, you can chat with us anytime and see a complete calendar of events at the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group. I'm adding more every day!
10/13 Paranormal Day at the Eternal Press Authors Blog
10/16 Kristin's Book Signing at Bogart's Books!
10/19 EP Chat 8 p.m. at Night Owl Romance
10/20 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group
10/23 EP Authors at The Haunt Yahoo Group
10/26 Kristin Guest Blogging at Ginger Simpson's Dishin' It Out!
Here's a quick excerpt in the spirit of the season! Remember you can read more anytime at our blog, or see our first THREE Chapters FREE at our Fictionwise page. Our Amazon page also offers the Look Inside feature for The Vampire Family!
The Vampire Family on Fictionwise
Amazon: The Vampire Family in paperback!
“Tell me, Theodore.” Victoria poured more of the wine. “Do you want to live forever?”
“It is unnatural. If God wanted man to live forever, he would have made our fragile bodies unbreakable.”
“Your fragile body. Not mine.” Victoria poured more of the wine to replenish the already gone last shot. “And didn’t your own Moses and Noah, Abraham and Adam, didn’t they live to be nine hundred and some? Wouldn’t you like to prolong your life as they did?”
“How long?” Theodore asked. All fools want to live a moment longer, especially when they feel they are near the time of death, as Theodore felt he was.
“However long you want.”
“No.” Theodore was a man. “Dying is a part of life. Why prolong the inevitable?”
Victoria drank every last drop from her glass and then smashed it in the fire. “You are absolutely right.”
Victoria leaped to Theodore’s side and plunged a piece of broken glass into Theodore’s chest. She held his neck and twisted and turned the glass until it was embedded terribly deep. Theodore gasped at the pain.
“I‘ve pierced your lung. Within the hour, you will die.” Victoria released Theodore, and he fell to the floor on his chest, further embedding the glass.
“How does it feel?” Victoria taunted. “T o know you are a fragile being? A being whose life can be taken at any moment! Your precious God will take you whenever he wants, and no one can change his mind. My God is not like that. He makes me powerful and strong. I can prevent your God from taking you away.”
Victoria picked up another hot shard of glass and slit the palm of her hand. Before she was done making the burning incision, it had healed. Theodore was awed.
“I can take the pain away, Theodore. I can make it so pain can never come to you again…if you let me.”
I need to get cracking and upload my pictures from the Collingswood Book Fest! If you want a picture with yours truly, stop by 6 to 8 p.m. Friday October 16 at Bogart's Bookstore and Cafe!
See you soon!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Kristin Live at Bogart Books!
I had a great time at the Collingswood Book Festival, so now it's time for more local haunts! Mark your October Calendars, and if you can't wait, don't forget you can pick up a paperback copy of The Vampire Family today on Amazon!
ISBN-10: 192664722X
We're also chatting live tomorrow Wednesday October 7 as part of the Eternal Press October release party and stopping by the EP Chat at Romance Junkies! I so love the opportunity to talk scares and books and literature and writing with fellow readers, writers, and fans! Join us!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Vampire Family Live!
Remember this weekend you can stop by the Collingswood Book Festival and say a real life hello to myself and an autographed paperback copy of my Eternal Press horror novel The Vampire Family!
Now, I know, this is the one time you want to live in the New Jersey area! Never fear! This Halloween season you can find us in plenty of virtual locations as well. Here's a quick list, but remember, you can chat with us anytime and see a complete calendar of events at the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group
10/3 Collingswood Book Festival
10/7 Eternal Press Live Chat 9 p.m. Romance Junkies
10/7 EP Release Day Party at
10/13 Paranormal Day at the Eternal Press Authors Blog
10/16 Kristin's Book Signing at Bogart's Books!
10/19 EP Chat 8 p.m. at Night Owl Romance
10/20 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group
10/23 EP Authors at The Haunt Yahoo Group
Yes, if you can't make it to the Collingswood Fest, don't forget you get a second chance to meet and greet with yours truly 6 to8 p.m. Friday october 16 at Bogart's Bookstore and Cafe in Millville, NJ.
See you soon!