Afternoon Greetings to the folks dreading the bright and sunshiny January days!
It's been quiet here at the Vampfam blogger for one important reason: I've been wrapping up edits on the next merry-go-round in The Vampire Family world. What do you think of Tales from The Vampire Family? I suck at titles!
The Vampire Family has a long and torrid past, present, and future. In this series of vampire vignettes, the family's Occult scholar Professor A. James shares Ann's earliest vampire loves, Elizabeth's colonial travels, Victoria's errors in judgment, and even a good does of punishment for Lilith. Revel in the lust, torment, and resurrection with Tales from The Vampire Family!
Ready for more details? Perhaps a sample story or two? Join me Tomorrow Thursday January 14 for a Q&A Day at The Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group.
Updates will also happen at our Vampire Family Facebook Page. We're in this instantaneous social trend, but I like the Yahoo Group as a static list and calendar store. Like Leigh Wood's regularly scheduled visits on our loop, I'd like to have this regular Q&A should anyone wish to de-lurk. Don't forget you can also follow or RSS The Vampfam blogger or the Scares and Spices livejournal to stay up to date. I'm also updated my author website, so it might look messy before it looks vampire swank!
After Leigh Wood's Guest Day Tuesday, January 19, things will be a little quiet again for me until our next live chat with Eternal Press. Join us 8 p.m. Monday February 1 at Night Owl Romance. By then I should have Tales from The Vampire Family submitted to the publisher. I'm just being too picky with my manuscript. I can't help it!
Maybe I'll take a break from it and crack open the Dark Shadows DVDS I got for Christmas! We can always talk about that over the Q&A! Until then, you might want to catch up on The Vampire Family proper. You can pick up our ebook for your favorite reader or hold our sweet paperback in your cold hands via Amazon!
See you soon!
Sibling Rivalry Bites
The Vampire Family
by Kristin Battestella
In Ebook or Paperback From Eternal Press