Autumn has sprung, and it's time for The Vampire Family to meet all its adoring fans and fledglings at the 2009 Collingswood Book Festival Saturday October 3 for 10 to 4 p.m.! I hope to see you there!

If you live in the New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, or Delaware area, the Collingswood Book Festival isn't far from you! Don't forget you can also catch me, Kristin Battestella signing paperback copies of The Vampire Family at Bogart's Bookstore in Millville, NJ October 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. Mark your Halloween countdown calendars now!
For a complete list of virtual and live-or undead- appearances, check out the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group. You can also friend, follow, join, or otherwise socialize with us at any of the following locations:
No blood necessary for participation in The Vampire Family events. Yet. Remember you can also find us anytime at our blog, open all night long from dusk til dawn. There you can purchase an ebook or paperback edition of The Vampire Family, read excerpts and interviews, find reviews, photos, and more!