My fellow fiendish friends! There's no time like the hot, sunshiny summer to stay indoors and catch up with Fate and Fangs: Tales from the Vampire Family!

Horror Addicts Interview with Kristin Battestella
Horror Addicts Episode 116 podcast
Kbatz: Only Lovers Left Alive review
Want to get in on the action here in South Jersey? Don't forget the New Jersey Authors Network will be visiting the Millville Library this Wednesday July 15 for a Teen Writing and Young Adult Authors workshop! Catch the NJAN at the A Novel Idea Bookstore again in Vineland August 8, and for some social but literary snacking, check out what's happening with the South Jersey Women Authors.
NJAN Panel July 15, Millville
NJAN Panel Aug 8, Vineland
South Jersey Women Authors
Watch live streaming video from morning_coffee at
Last week Radio Vision Network's Morning Coffee Talk Show also got a dose of vampire goodness with my What to Watch review segment discussing Dark Shadows, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Only Lovers Left Alive, Underworld, and more! Remember to tune in 10 a.m. est every Friday for our recommendations and visit the video archive for more!